2014.11.5Technical ReportIQ data in Signal analyzer MSA500 series
2014.10.23NEW PRODUCTReal time IQ data recorder system MQ5300 was released. The IQ data captured by signal analyzer MSA538/558 are recorded in real time. This is an ideal system to measure in the maximum 60MHz span, to measure simultaneously different frequency bands, and to record over a long time.
2014.10.8Technical ReportAntenna Location Effect on Mobile Field Intensity Measurement
2014.9.16APPLICATION NOTEDynamic range expansion method for spectrum analyzer with tracking generator
2014.7.22APPLICATION NOTEMeasurement of BS-CS converter output by signal analyzer Measurement of weather radar by signal analyzer Read-Wright test of RFID Site survey in introduction of 2.4GHz band wireless equipment
2014.7.10APPLICATION NOTEAntenna gain measurement using a tracking generator Career frequency measurement of the modulated wave using spectrum analyzer Checking magnetic field emission noise of LED luminaire at 3-axis using loop antenna easily Checking the TV frequency channel using spectrum analyzer Communication characteristic evaluation of wireless IP transmission (VOD server) and client terminal equipment Connectivity testing of wireless terminal equipment Electric field strength measurement using antenna factor of loop antenna How to increase the work efficiency at night Method for calculating the power loss from the return loss measurement Shielding characteristics comparison of anechoic box Verification of field uniformity in an anechoic box for GPS
2014.7.1APPLICATION NOTEActual measurement example of ETC/ITS spot using the signal analyzer Measurement of 920MHz band wireless module by the signal analyzer Measurement of distance to fault of cable (DTF) Measurement of radio wave absorption characteristics by space standing wave ratio method Noise immunity evaluation of information and communication equipment Simple measurement for technical standards conformity certification test Simple test of the Radio Law and IEEE on ZigBee module
2014.6.26APPLICATION NOTEEvaluation environment of MIMO high-speed wireless LAN Evaluation of GPS terminal Handover test of mobile terminal How to install antenna calibration data to spectrum analyzer
2014.5.7APPLICATION NOTEMobile measurement of field intensity by a signal analyzer
2014.4.16APPLICATION NOTEAntenna radiation pattern measurement system Build wireless evaluation environment of Bluetooth device Conducted emission noise measurement LED lamp with signal analyzer How to prevent erroneous measurement due to the saturation of the spectrum analyzer Maintenance of disaster prevention administration radio system, and survey of interference wave Why is the anechoic box necessary
2014.4.10APPLICATION NOTEAutomatic measurement of ETC electric field strength Checking magnetic field emission noise of LED luminaire easily Conducted emission measurement based on CISPR standard Visualization of the modulation signal by a signal analyzer
2014.4.7APPLICATION NOTECalculation of antenna factor and gain C/N measurement using the channel power measurement How to calculate clock jitter from phase noise Monitoring near field communication Radio wave transmission test of automotive heat-reflecting glass
2014.2.26NOTICEEnglish catalog of MICRONIX Products DIGEST was issued. (PDF)
2014.2.14NEW PRODUCTMultiwindow waveform monitor MW4500 was released. Split-screen display system of maximum 9 channels of signals captured with spectrum analyzer MSA400/500 series.
2014.2.12NOTICEEnglish catalog of DSRC OBE tester ME9100 was issued.
2014.1.7NOTICEMICRONIX Corp. advertises for the US distributor in the North American market on the following conditions.

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