2004.12.15NOTICETemperature.Humidity Controlled Chamber's page update MTH861/865.
2004.12.15NEW PRODUCTPrecompliance EMI Test System MR2300
2004.11.25NEW PRODUCTShielding box(Electromagnetic anechoic box)MY5220.
2004.09.05NOTICEQuantel(Southeast Asia) was added to our agencies.
2004.08.31NEW PRODUCTWorld's first! Handy type 8.5GHz spectrum analyzer MSA358.
2004.06.22NOTICEMSA338 is published in homepage of the Environment Ministry of Taiwan .
2004.05.20NEW PRODUCTLarge-sized shielding box(Electromagnetic anechoic box)ME8661B.
2004.03.26NOTICEB+K Precision won EE award with the spectrum analyzer from Micronix
2004.01.05APPLICATION NOTEApplication Notes of Electromagnetic Anechpic Box was added in products list(PDF)

Please feel free to contact us.
If you want to verify 5G, customize a radio wave shield box, or need product repair, please do not hesitate to contact us about any small matter.