2007.12.25NEW PRODUCTShield box "Taurus-N series" was released at lowest price and lightest weight.
2007.12.18NEW PRODUCTEMS test system MR2350 was newly added to the EMI test system.
2007.10.19NEW PRODUCTVSWR Bridge MVS300 was released.
2007.05.02NOTICEDemo movie of EMI measurement by MR2300 was supplied.
2007.04.03NOTICEThree types of electromagnetic anechoic box "Taurus series" will be on the market shortly. Reservations accepted in advance.
2007.03.26NOTICE3.3GHz Spectrum Analyzer with TG MSA338TG will be on the market shortly. Reservations accepted in advance.
2007.02.06NOTICESelection guide about Electromagnetic anechoic box (shield box) was added.
2007.01.31Technical ReportAir simulation for wireless communication" was issued as a technical material of MAT800.

Please feel free to contact us.
If you want to verify 5G, customize a radio wave shield box, or need product repair, please do not hesitate to contact us about any small matter.