When adding a signal to the attenuator, a signal level at which the relation between input and output isn’t proportional exists from a certain level. This level is called the compression point and generally depends on the property of the device.
According to the specifications of MAT810 / 850, the compression is 2 dB, but is less than 1 dB only when the setting value is 1 to 15 dB as shown below.
Please refer to the figure below when using it.
Fig.1 MAT 810 / 850 setting error (f=3GHz)

Moreover, since the difference between fundamental and third harmonic which is the measure of distortion is 30 dB or more even in the region where compression is noticeable, it can be used with confidence.
Fig.2 MAT 810 / 850 Harmonic distortion (f=3GHz,Pin=14dBm)

Products introduction
High-Speed Programmable Attenuator MAT810
There are no chattering and spike at switching moment because of differing from traditional mechanical attenuator. The precise simulation of wireless communication is capable by setting the attenuation step small. The frequency band is divided into sixteen and the calibration is done at each frequency so that the frequency characteristics of attenuation is made flat.
Step Attenuator MAT850
Covers the wideband (300MHz to 6.1GHz) in spite of small size, lightweight and low cost.
Putting upward or on transverse is available.
The attenuation value is easy to see bacause of the large seven segments LED.
The three knobs are independent in every 10dB, 1dB and 0.1dB.
And neither chattering nor spike are generated when switching the knobs.

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