Fig.1:Attenuation of MAT800/810 corresponding to 16-frequency range.

Fig.1:Attenuation of MAT800/810 corresponding to 16-frequency range.

The attenuation level of MAT800/810 has some frequency response that is higher at minimum frequency "ƒ0" and maximum frequency "ƒ15" and lower at the center frequency "cf" as shown in Fig.1. Therefore, the attenuation levels are calibrated ac cording to 16 frequency ranges, from " ƒ0" to "ƒ15 ", by 1600 steps(MAT800) or 1200 steps(MAT810).

MAT800 has 1600 step of attenuation level, 0dB to 80dB by 0.05dB step.

MAT810 has 1200 step of attenuation level, 0 dB to 60dB by 0.05dB step.

The attenuation levels are corrected for all 1600(M AT800) or 1200(MAT810) step using a SG and a power-meter.

In the case you use MAT800/810 at "ƒi" frequency or around "ƒi", you select a frequency range using the keys and the data-knob of MAT800/810, and the MAT800/810 make a attenuation level corrected at the frequency "ƒi".

By above correction, MAT800/810 is improved to mak e correct attenuation level for all frequency range.

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