A measurement example of real time mode trigger function with the MSA500 si gnal analyzer is introduced.
In real time mode of signal analyzer MSA500 series, p owerful trigger functions can be used.
By using these trigger functions, the signal can be measured immediately before and after the change has occurred in the waveform.
As a example, the trigger function is used for the me asurement of the change of carrier wave frequency of FM signal. In the measurement, the center frequency is set to a carrier wave frequency before change ,and the trigg er settings are channel trigger and slope FALL.

Trigger settings : Channel power trigger CH3, Trigg er slope FALL, Trigger point 50%.

It is possible to measure the waveform after and before the change.
System configuration
Products introduction
Handheld signal analyzer MSA500 series
With Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and conventional sweep systems, each strong point of both systems is usable.
Handheld Signal Analyzer MSA538
The most popular model of the MSA500 series.
Measurement frequency : 20kHz to 3.3GHz
Handheld Signal Analyzer MSA538E
This is a model in which EMI measurement function is added to MSA538.
Measurement frequency : 20kHz to 3.3GHz
Handheld Signal Analyzer MSA538TG
Built-in TG from 5MHz to 3.3GHz
Measurement frequency : 20kHz to 3.3GHz
Handheld Signal Analyzer MSA558
Almost all of the applications of wireless communication systems are covered.
Measurement frequency : 20kHz to 8.5GHz
Handheld Signal Analyzer MSA558E
This is a model in which EMI measurement function is added to MSA558.
Measurement frequency : 20kHz to 8.5GHz

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