Using spectrum analyzer, it enables to measure obstacles to digital terrestrial broadcasting and interference in wireless devices.


If high rise building is built in the radio wave arrival direction, shade of buildings is affected by block noise due to the shortage of signal level. In the case building is large like high rise apartment or office building, interference area generally becomes wider.

In other cases, when a number of wireless devices are used on the same channel or adjacent channel, the channel interference causes serious degradation of singnal or noise.

Micronix handheld spectrum analyzer is very inexpensive. And it enables to measure in a wide frequency range from 50KHz to 8.5GHz which includes digital terrestrial broadcasting band〔440-770MHz〕and wireless devices band〔600-820MHz〕.

Morever, as our spectrum analyzer is compact, lightweight and baterry drive, it is suited for field use.


①Radio wave interference of digital terrestrial broadcasting
  • Figure:Radio wave interference of  digital terrestrial broadcasting

    Researching radio wave interference map is necessary to make a report on the design & construcion plan for the measures against interference. (Community reception, CATV, etc)

  • Photo:Spectrum Analyzer screen sample

    *Spectrum Analyzer screen sample

②Measures against interference in wireless devices
  • Figure:Measures against interference in wireless devices

    Monitoring unwanted radio wave from outside besides in a room enables to allocate suitable chanell and to take measures against interference.

  • Photo:Spectrum Analyzer screen sample

    *Spectrum Analyzer screen sample

System configuration

Products introduction

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If you want to verify 5G, customize a radio wave shield box, or need product repair, please do not hesitate to contact us about any small matter.