ME8661/ME8662:Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application-1
Transmission characteristics test of wireless equipments using a n antenna in free air
(Capable of the pure transmission characteristics evaluation bec ause of no leakage of test radio wave to the outside and no mult i-pass in the shielding box)

- The receiving antenna installed at the opposite side of DUT receives radio wave radiated from DUT, which is put on an acrylic resin table, and then the receiving signal is output to RECEIVING ANTENNA ter minal.
- The evaluation of transmission characteristics of wireless equipment is performed by connecting a spectrum analyzer or a microwave frequency counter to RECEIVING ANTENNA terminal.
:mark" should be refer to "Supplementation for Shielding box A pplication
ME8661/ME8662:Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application-2
Receiving sensitivity test of wireless equipments using an antenna in free air
(Capable of the receiving sensitivity measurement without influence of noisy circumstances)

- The signal modulated by PN15 or etc which is output from a sign al generator is input to RECEIVING ANTENNA terminal through a va riable attenuator.
- This radio wave modulated is radiated from a transmission anten na installed at the opposite side of DUT toward DUT. (DUT is in a receiving mode)
- RXD and RXC output from DUT are input to BER measuring equipmen t. And the error rate is measured by changing the attenuation of a variable attenuator.
"*mark" should be refer to "Supplementation for Shielding box A pplication"
ME8661/ME8662:Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application-3
Transmission characteristics test of wireless equipments by cable connection
(Capable of transmission characteristics test preventing the lea kage of test radio wave to the outside and cutting off the noise radiated outside.)

- RF cable is connected to RF terminal of DUT put in the shieldin g box and led to the outside of the shielding box through IN/OUT terminal.
- The evaluation of transmission characteristics of wireless equi pment is performed by connecting a spectrum analyzer or a microw ave frequency counter to IN/OUT terminal.
ME8661/ME8662:Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application-4
Protocol test of wireless equipments using an antenna in free air
(Capable of protocol test using an antenna in free air and a dedicated simulator, cutting off the influence of the outside)

- Make a conditions that DUT put in the shielding box and wireles s equipment simulator can mutually communicate through transmiss ion & receiving antenna.
- Each of protocol test is performed using wireless equipment sim ulator.
"*mark" should be refer to "Supplementation for Shielding box A pplication"
Supplemention for Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application
(*1) DUT | Such cellular phones as W-CDMA of 3G, PDC and GSM / 2.4GHz and 5 GHz wireless LAN / Bluetooth / ETC / etc are main targets. |
(*2) Receiving antenna | The antenna must be selected to suit to frequency and polarizati on of DUT. MICRONIX is able to select and install an antenna instead of user. |
(*3) AMP | The transmission signal must be amplified by AMP when the transmission power of DUT is small or the precise measurement is required due to test item. (optionalor or user handling) |
(*4) RF coupling degree | When the measured value of power must be guaranteed at the absolute value, the system loss from the installing position of DUT to a measuring instrument must be known. At that time, RF coupling degree from the installing position of DUT to RECEIVING ANTENNA terminal is measured using a reference antenna with known antenna gain and put at DUT position. (optionalor or user handling) |
Products introduction

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If you want to verify 5G, customize a radio wave shield box, or need product repair, please do not hesitate to contact us about any small matter.