Pre-compliance EMI+EMS test system MR2400

This system combining the EMI test system MR 2300 and the EMS test system MR 2350. It is possible to conduct EMC (EMI + EMS) test.


MR2400 is a system combining EMI test system MR2300 and EMS test system MR2350.

The price of MR2400 becomes much lower than purchasing MR2300 and MR2350 separately because the anechoic box MY5310/5310S/5410 and the broadband antenna MAN101/102 are common to two systems.

Pre-compliance EMI test system MR2300

Ideal for "Pre-compliance" preliminary conformance test of EMI official test.
Total test system including not only antenna, spectrum analyzer for EMI, LISN and PC software for EMI but also anechoic box.

Pre-compliance EMS test system MR2350

Pre-compliance EMS test system for the radiation immunity test (IEC / EN 61000-4-3).
Electric field strength of 1, 3, 10V/m. The malfunction of the EU by the electromagnetic radiation can be observed by a camera put in the anechoic box.


Products Catalog

Pre-compliance EMI test system MR2300
Pre-compliance EMI test system MR2350
MICRONIX Products DIGEST catalog
Electromagnetic anechoic box and Shield box General catalog

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