Technical info
For Taurus Series of Electromagnetic anechoic box Interface module IFM6

Product structure IFM6 can be installed with one or two of the five types of TP-5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. Size list Model number Internal dimensions of the pipe […]

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Technical info
Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application

ME8661/ME8662:Shielding box (electromagnetic anechoic box) Application-1 Transmission characteristics test of wireless equipments using a n antenna in free air (Capable of the pure transmission characteristics evaluation bec ause of no […]

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Technical info
Near field and far field

[mathjax] When the electric field strength and the magnetic field strength are measured, how much the distance between the transmission and the receiving antennas should be always becomes a problem. […]

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