About output compression
When adding a signal to the attenuator, a signal level at which the relation between input and output isn’t proportional exists from a certain level. This level is called the […]
High-speed programmable attenuator MAT810 Technical data of VSWR
VSWR(MAT810) Products introduction
High-speed programable attenuator MAT850 Technical data of VSWR and Attenuation
VSWR(MAT850) Products introduction
The Level correction of MAT800/810 corresponding to several input frequency
Fig.1:Attenuation of MAT800/810 corresponding to 16-frequency range. The attenuation level of MAT800/810 has some frequency response that is higher at minimum frequency "ƒ0" and maximum frequency "ƒ15" and lower at […]
High-speed programable attenuator MAT800 Technical data of VSWR and Attenuation
VSWR(MAT800A) VSWR(MAT800B) VSWR(MAT800D) VSWR(MAT800E) Products introduction